Silver and Gold accounts allow you to create promo codes and offer them to your customers. Here's how to do it:
Login to your account
Click the My Account link in the bottom right.
Click Promos.
Click the Create new promo link in the submenu
Provide a descriptive name and the code you wish to use, or click the Create Random button to generate a code.
The amount of the discount can be specified in either percent or dollars. See examples below:
Total Registration Fee: $300
Promo Amount: 30 %
Fee Charged: $210
Total Registration Fee $300
Promo Amount: 30 $
Fee Charged: $270
Press the Save changes button.
The promo code is now listed in your Promos section. You can create as many codes as you wish.
To deactivate a code, simply click its Active link. Vice verca to make an inactive link active.
The uses column shows how many times each code has been used. Simply click on the number to see a listing of registrations associated with this code.
Special handling of promo codes
Multisection registration. If multiple sections are purchased in the same registration:
- Each section will be considered a promo code "use"
- If the promo code has no max uses, every section will be discounted by the $ amount or % off
- If the promo code has max uses, the most expensive section(s) will be discounted sequentially, until max uses is reached
- The system will not allow any section to be more than 100% discounted
- No credit is given if the price of a section is less than the value of the promo code
Ticket based registrations. If multiple tickets are purchased in the same registration:
- Each registration is considered one promo code use, regardless of the number of tickets purchased
- Pomo codes now have a max tickets setting (default is 1 for old promo codes)
- Each ticket will be discounted up to the max tickets (by default only the first ticket will be discounted)
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